Saturday, February 25, 2006

Read the Lyrics of the Song

We soon got into the spirit of things, though, and I would have loved to have been all decked out in a hoop skirt with oodles of frothy petticoats, black leather high-button shoes, and a dainty felt hat with a feather perched over my eye! But it was pouring rain and practicality ruled, at least for me. After viewing a lot of interesting souvenir tents with an abundance of Confederate flags, hats and other memorabilia, we happened upon a tent filled with music.
A group called the "Un-Reconstructed" were playing a fiddle, mandolin, penny whistle, banjo, guitar, base, harmonica and a "jaw harp". They were singing some catchy tunes, but one got our attention. It was a little ditty called "I'm A Good Ol' Rebel". The lyrics were: "I hates the Yankee nation and everything they do, I hates the Declaration of Independence, too. I hates the glorious Union, Tis drippin' with our blood, I hates the stripped banner, I fought it all I could!"
I thought these lyrics were pretty funny and openly smiled as they played. But I began to notice that the crowd around me were not smiling. In fact, most of these people were taking this song pretty seriously. So since we hadn't heard anyone else who spoke like us (ah, no Southern accent) we concluded that Yankees were in the minority here, or more likely, we were the only Yankees around, so we quietly listened without comment, and subdued the smiles. This was all done tongue-in-cheek - well, at least we think so, ha!